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A few words from myself...

Beginning the journey of adulthood is frightening yet exciting. Curiosity has taken over me on how I can live a fulfilling life without regrets. Life brings us difficult situations to see how we react and recover from them, teaching lessons to better us for our future. The majority of interests I have fallen into the category of outdoors; kayaking and hiking are the main ones. Music is also a huge part of my life, I listen to music everyday and a lot of different genres. Helping others comes as a second nature, for me I express that through being a certified nursing assistant and hope to pursue my dreams of becoming traveling nurse. In life everyone has priorities, I value my family, friends, education, and myself. Having your priorities straight will set you up for a successful life, as we all wish to live.

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  • Writer's pictureAshley Rose

make it HAPPEN!

Have ever you hoped that good things would come your way? Perhaps you go with the flow, relying that life will just fall together. Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “He that lives upon hope will die fasting.” Portraying that opportunity does not just jump out on you, opportunity needs to be grasped and used to its full potential. You have to make your dreams happen they will not magically happen. Franklin’s wise words have spoken to many, but few have applied this to their lives. These experiences and opportunities are not given, they are sought out and followed by hard work.

papago park, arizona

The end of 2017 I had a wakeup call. I had two big events in my life that knocked me to the ground, my parents’ divorce and losing all my friends. This really took a toll on me mentally and physically. Being at the bottom really hit me with reality, I needed to pick myself up and actually go out and make something out of my life. Nothing is just going to be given to me in life. Going with the flow will not make you satisfied with what life has to offer. Growing up I have always wanted to become a nurse, still I never did anything to get my foot in the door. Until the beginning of 2018, I took all the strength I had left mentally to go make an opportunity for myself. Driving myself to the town clock center and signing myself up for the certified nursing assistant class. At this time in my life I was still a very nervous kid who really did just wanted to go with the flow. Within this experience I knew what I wanted to go to school for, yet nothing was done to prepare myself. Thinking that I would just deal with everything once it comes time to, but that was unrealistic. I took the time to make myself one step closer to my future. As it became time for the class start I made sure I had everything I needed. I paid attention in class and made sure that I studied for all the test. My first test came back and I received an A, and my second test came back, it was also an A. Seeing my hard work pay off was satisfying and knowing I was also setting myself up for a successful future within my career.

Another first-hand experience that happened was about two weeks ago. I was at our local pharmacy just there to pick up my prescription, I sat next to an older man that I did not know. He gave me some wise words that are going to stick with me. My whole life I have wished to travel and see the world, yet I never went out of my comfort zone to book the flight. The wise old man told me that you have to live while you can and not just sit around while in youth. Youth is the time to live and not wait around until youth is no longer. I took in everything that he had to offer, his words made an impact on my life. The next few days I looked into my schedule and chipped out a week for me to fly out to Arizona. I have always wanted to travel, but never had the confidence to step out of my comfort zone. I will not die fasting. I always hoped that I could just go and travel, yet never showed any commitment within travel. I never made any commitments because I was both thinking it would just happen without any efforts from myself and coming out of my comfort zone. If I would have not taken incentive I would die fasting. Wishing I could go back and make better decisions to have fulfilled my dreams and not have just gone with the flow. I overcame my own hoping and wishing to get out of my comfort zone to book that flight, I could not be any happier.

Learning this concept has really made an impact on my life. Without learning and implying this concept I would not have become a certified nursing assistance and booked that trip to Arizona. It taught me that you have to go out and make opportunities. Once you have the opportunities you have put forward everything that you have. Opportunities are not a given they are sought out by an individual to expand their dream into reality. These select few people do no hoping and wishing to become great, they go out and intentionally be great themselves. Benjamin Franklin’s wise words have stuck with me and will continue too. Using this wittiness to help me and hopefully others to strive for a fulling life.

This was a paper I had to write this semester, but it really did get me thinking. I believe everyone has dreams, but never want to go and make it happen. I had to believe in myself and whatever I was doing, convince myself it was okay to not feel okay in the moment. In the end everything was worth it! I believe in each and every one of you because all of you have potential to do great things.


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