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A few words from myself...

Beginning the journey of adulthood is frightening yet exciting. Curiosity has taken over me on how I can live a fulfilling life without regrets. Life brings us difficult situations to see how we react and recover from them, teaching lessons to better us for our future. The majority of interests I have fallen into the category of outdoors; kayaking and hiking are the main ones. Music is also a huge part of my life, I listen to music everyday and a lot of different genres. Helping others comes as a second nature, for me I express that through being a certified nursing assistant and hope to pursue my dreams of becoming traveling nurse. In life everyone has priorities, I value my family, friends, education, and myself. Having your priorities straight will set you up for a successful life, as we all wish to live.

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  • Writer's pictureAshley Rose

It's time...

Are you happy with the relationships you have in your life currently?

life does not just happen, it is what you make of it..

Having healthy and thriving relationships in your life is essential. Starting with family, but family does not mean blood related. Everything that happens in your life ends up with you coming home. Your home life is what truly molds you into the person you will become. Communication, comfort, and spending time together is very important. If any of these factors are missing there becomes a distance between you and your family member. Resparking the relationship with family members can be difficult to talk through all the broken pieces, but if you truly care and love them you would do anything. It is time..

Friendships, the most important relationships you can have while growing up especially. They are your go to people, your forevers. Friendship is critical for your well-being because they lessen the feeling of loneliness and isolation. If you can not say that about your friends then it is time to let them go. Your friends should be like your family. If they are backstabbing and untrustworthy then why surround yourself with that type of negativity? It is a hard transition into a new friend group, but finding the true ones is life changing. Sit down and think hard about the people you surround yourself with because those people will also mold you.

Romantic relationships are next on the list. Boyfriends and girlfriends are a reflection of who you are and what you believe in. This type of love is very different than the others. It is built on commitment, communication, loyalty, honesty, and being understanding. Being completely yourself with another person and having mutual respect are the important factors in a romantic relationship. This type of a relationship is similar to friendship, but has extra factors and deeper emotions. If you do not feel like the relationship is working or lacking something, it is time.. Especially if your partner will not own up to the lacking of any of those factors.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs shows that once you have your physical and safety needs met. You need to have your love needs fulfilled and without that you will never reach self achievement. If you were looking for a sign to make a change within your life this is the sign. Start surrounding yourself with positivity and people who truly care about your well-being. Everyone needs to be loved and give love, without it there will be an empty feeling within. Take action and starting living the life you have always dreamed of! I believe in you, so you should believe in yourself also. :)



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